Olivia has had more trouble today avoiding desats, apnea, and bradycardia episodes. Kevin and I arrived at the hospital with tons of questions and concerns from yesterday. The doctor spent quite a bit of time discussing our concerns and answering our questions which we both appreciated. I think she was more concerned about Kevin and I then Olivia. The doctor explained to us that this is a roller coaster time (which we have heard before) and that a lot of fine tuning taking place over the next couple weeks. For example, decreasing the caffeine dose to lower her heart rate may cause more apnea events. Balancing between the benefits vs risks is what the doctors are working on now...and have been since her birth. I think because we were seeing such leaps in her growth and milestones that these little bumps are difficult to Kevin and I. Overall though, Olivia is doing well. The whole team continues to feel that she is stable and doing very good for her premature age. Olivia did gain more weight today. Up to 1 lb 14.5 ounces. Not a huge jump but in the right direction and large enough she’s up a size in her preemie diapers! I was able to hold her today for almost an hour and a half without any events. This isn’t the best picture but it reminded me of the day she was born. She held Kevin’s hand immediately and he felt like it was her saying “it’s going to be ok I got this”. I felt the same way this evening when she reached and pulled my finger toward her. As if she was comforting me saying “mom don’t worry…I’m ok”. 
Praying that we don’t forget the infinite possibilities that are born out of faith.
Continuing to pray for Olivia’s health and that God continues to help her grow stronger every day.