3/31 Spring has arrived!
Warmer weather is finally here!
It's been an exciting start to the season. In the course of a month we have been able to wean Olivia from constantly using oxygen to only using it when she is eating or sleeping at night. A huge step for her! The doctors are continuing to be cautious with decreasing the oxygen. They still believe she may be working too hard (and burning calories) with eating which is why she still uses oxygen with meals.
Speaking of meals, she has been battling terrible acid reflux recently-which has been rough on all of us. It's resulted in a hungry, but pitifully irritable baby and TONS of laundry for Kevin (due to the copious amount of spit up). We see the doctor again next week and of course my anxiety about her weight gain has been exponential. She is right under 13lbs now. As long as she’s gaining weight I believe the doctors will continue to decrease the use of oxygen. We are also hoping we can figure out a way to combat the acid reflux (and hoping she quickly grows out of it).

But on to fun updates!

Olivia and TJ continue to keep a watchful eye over the neighborhood. We spend most mornings playing by the door, watching the squirrels and birds, and waiting to wave to the mail woman.
My sweet friend brought by her even sweeter pup and Olivia and Denali became fast friends. Olivia squeaked and cooed the whole time. I think poor TJ may be getting a new dog friend soon.
She thinks Heather is a hilarious and enjoys giggling at her funny voices. Olivia has also shown a special interest in all things noisy and loud that Aunt Heather brings with her..

....including her cousin (pictured is the rare time he is actually quietly napping while visiting).
Olivia has also had visits with her other aunt and two of her other cousins from Rocky Mount. When she’s able to be off oxygen for the majority of the day, we are looking forward to her meeting the rest of her Rocky Mount cousins. We also found out she has a new Charlotte cousin coming in August! Lots of traveling coming up soon :)